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Our Story

My autistic younger brother Jin taught me that acceptance and empathy are choices, not conditions.

When I began involving myself in the special needs ministry that my brother attended at our local church, I saw that Jin was accepted like family in a place other than home; I wanted to share the joy that filled our small room every Sunday. Out of curiosity one day, I observed Jin's occupational therapy session, and I was surprised to see a side of him that I had never seen before. Jin was a youth reaching out with his own voice, deliberately interacting with his peers, and striving to express himself, just like me.

Special individuals, like anyone else, wish to connect with others, build meaningful relationships, and share their passions with those around them. Utilizing my experience in international virtual tutoring as a part of, I designed Jyounity to provide connection to neurodivergent individuals from anywhere in the world. Jyounity was created to allow youths like Jin to interact with peers and explore what this world has to offer.

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